I write code that turns ideas into reality.

About Me
My knowledge of modern web development includes HTML, CSS, SCSS, ES6 JavaScript, the Vue, React and
Redux front-end libraries as well as Node.js and Express on the back end. Most recently I've added
unit and end-to-end testing to my skillset with the Chai assertion library and
My first career was as an editor and proofreader of English, so my love of codes
and syntax runs deep, and I bring the same eye for detail and respect for deadlines I developed in
the publishing sphere to the world of coding.

Front-End Web Developer
(Feb 2020–present)
- modify interfaces and create animations to match design-review requirements
- research accessibility requirements for our design-system components and recommend changes
- apply accessibility modifications to design-system components
- write bug fixes for our content management system
Front-End Web Development Intern
(Nov 2019–Feb 2020)
- modified interfaces and created animations matching design-review requirements
- wrote unit and end-to-end tests, using Chai and Cypress, to ensure components and web apps behave as expected
- built a design-system component matching design specifications with SCSS, ES6 JavaScript, and Vue

Concordia Bootcamps
Career Coach
(Dec 2019–present)
- acquaint newly minted web devlopers with with the tech community in Montreal and beyond
- review job seekers' job applications
- conduct mock job interviews to help new grads prepare for tech industry interviews
- provide ongoing practical and moral support as job seekers navigate the job market
Workshop Volunteer
(Oct 2019)
- assisted new coders as they learned HTML and CSS

Canada Learning Code
Volunteer Mentor
(Mar 2020)
- assisted new coders as they learned HTML and CSS at a Ladies Learning Code workshop
Learn more about Heather's work history on her LinkedIn profile .

Diploma, Front-End Web Development
Concordia University
- HTML, CSS and responsive website design
- Debugging, Testing & JavaScript Fundamentals
- Object Oriented Programming
- React and Redux
- Node.js and Express Framework
Web Development Courses
- Web Accessibility by Google (Udacity)
- Intro to UX Design (Canada Learning Code)
- Learn Vue 2 (Laracasts)
- ES6 for Everyone (Wes Bos)
- MongoDB Basics (MondoDB)

Ongoing French-Language Studies

Certificate in Publishing

MA, English Language & Literature

BA, Honours English
You can find out more about Heather's education at her LinkedIn profile .